Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class SMS
Public Shared Sub ReadSMS(ByVal strSerialNumber As String)
Dim intSMSHandle As Integer = 0
Dim intOperationHandle As Integer = 0
Dim intStatusCode As Integer = CAAPI_Initialize(30, 0)
intSMSHandle = OpenSMSConnection(strSerialNumber)
Dim folderInfo As CA_FOLDER_INFO
folderInfo = New CA_FOLDER_INFO
folderInfo.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(folderInfo)
folderInfo.iFolderId = CA_MESSAGE_FOLDER_INBOX
Dim bufFolderInfo As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_FOLDER_INFO)))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(folderInfo, bufFolderInfo, True)
intStatusCode = CAGetFolderInfo(intSMSHandle, bufFolderInfo)
intStatusCode = CABeginOperation(intSMSHandle, 0, intOperationHandle)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CABeginOperation-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
Dim caIDList As CA_ID_LIST
caIDList.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(caIDList)
Dim bufList As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(caIDList))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(caIDList, bufList, True)
intStatusCode = CAGetIDList(intSMSHandle, folderInfo.iFolderId, 0, bufList)
caIDList = Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufList, GetType(CA_ID_LIST))
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 1 To caIDList.iUIDCount
Dim itemId As CA_ITEM_ID
itemId.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(itemId)
itemId.iStatus = 0
itemId.iTemporaryID = i
itemId.iUidLen = 0
itemId.pbUid = IntPtr.Zero
Dim bufItemId As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_ITEM_ID)))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(itemId, bufItemId, True)
dataSMS.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(dataSMS)
dataSMS.bAddressCount = 0
dataSMS.iDataLength = 0
dataSMS.iInfoField = 0
dataSMS.pAddress = IntPtr.Zero
dataSMS.pbData = IntPtr.Zero
Dim bufDataSMS As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dataSMS.iSize)
Marshal.StructureToPtr(dataSMS, bufDataSMS, True)
intStatusCode = CAReadItem(intOperationHandle, bufItemId, CA_OPTION_USE_CACHE, CA_DATA_FORMAT_STRUCT, bufDataSMS)
If intStatusCode = CONA_OK Then
dataSMS = Marshal.PtrToStructure(bufDataSMS, GetType(CA_DATA_MSG))
Dim message As String = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(dataSMS.pbData, dataSMS.iDataLength / 2)
' something ...
Throw New Exception("Error in CAReadItem-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
intStatusCode = CAEndOperation(intOperationHandle)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CAEndOperation-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub SendSMS(ByVal strSerialNumber As String, ByVal strPhoneNo As String, _
ByVal strMessage As String, ByVal boolDontDelete As Boolean)
Dim intSMSHandle As Integer = 0
Dim intStatusCode As Integer = CAAPI_Initialize(30, 0)
intSMSHandle = OpenSMSConnection(strSerialNumber)
Dim folderInfo As CA_FOLDER_INFO
folderInfo = New CA_FOLDER_INFO
folderInfo.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(folderInfo)
Dim bufItem As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_FOLDER_INFO)))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(folderInfo, bufItem, True)
intStatusCode = CAGetFolderInfo(intSMSHandle, bufItem)
Dim intOperationHandle As Integer = 0
intStatusCode = CABeginOperation(intSMSHandle, 0, intOperationHandle)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CABeginOperation-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
Dim itemUid As CA_ITEM_ID
itemUid.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(itemUid)
itemUid.iStatus = 0
itemUid.iTemporaryID = 0
itemUid.iUidLen = 0
itemUid.pbUid = IntPtr.Zero
Dim buf As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_ITEM_ID)))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(itemUid, buf, True)
Dim objSMSMessage As CA_DATA_MSG
objSMSMessage.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(objSMSMessage)
objSMSMessage.bAddressCount = 1
objSMSMessage.pAddress = CreateSMSPhoneNoReference(strPhoneNo)
objSMSMessage.iDataLength = strMessage.Length * 2
objSMSMessage.pbData = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(strMessage)
Dim buf2 As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_DATA_MSG)))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(objSMSMessage, buf2, True)
intStatusCode = CAWriteItem(intOperationHandle, buf, 0, CA_DATA_FORMAT_STRUCT, buf2)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CAWriteItem-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
Dim lstIDs As CA_ID_LIST
lstIDs.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_ID_LIST))
Dim lstbuf As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_ID_LIST)))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(lstIDs, lstbuf, True)
intStatusCode = CACommitOperations(intOperationHandle, lstbuf)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CACommitOperations-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
If Not boolDontDelete Then
' Picking the first (and only) message from list and deleting it
lstIDs = Marshal.PtrToStructure(lstbuf, GetType(CA_ID_LIST))
Dim objViestiUID As CA_ITEM_ID = GetUidFromBuffer(0, lstIDs.pUIDs)
DeleteMessage(intOperationHandle, objViestiUID)
intStatusCode = CACommitOperations(intOperationHandle, IntPtr.Zero)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CACommitOperations-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
End If
intStatusCode = CAEndOperation(intOperationHandle)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CAEndOperation-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Sub DeleteMessage(ByVal intOperationHandle As Integer, ByVal objItem As CA_ITEM_ID)
Dim bufViesti As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(objItem))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(objItem, bufViesti, True)
Dim intStatusCode As Integer = CADeleteItem(intOperationHandle, bufViesti, 0)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in CADeleteItem-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetUidFromBuffer(ByVal iIndex As Integer, ByVal pUIds As IntPtr) As CA_ITEM_ID
' Calculate beginning of item 'iIndex'
Dim iPtr As Int64 = pUIds.ToInt64 + (iIndex * Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(CA_ITEM_ID)))
' Convert integer to pointer
Dim ptr As IntPtr = IntPtr.op_Explicit(iPtr)
' Copy data from buffer
GetUidFromBuffer = Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, GetType(CA_ITEM_ID))
End Function
Private Shared Function OpenSMSConnection(ByVal strSerialNumber As String) As Integer
Dim pstrSerialNumber As IntPtr = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(strSerialNumber)
Dim iMedia As Integer = API_MEDIA_ALL
Dim iTarget As Integer = CA_TARGET_SMS_MESSAGES
Dim intSMSHandle As Integer = 0
Dim intStatusCode As Integer = DAOpenCA(pstrSerialNumber, iMedia, iTarget, intSMSHandle)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in DAOpenCA-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
Return intSMSHandle
End Function
Private Shared Sub CloseSMSConnection(ByVal intSMSHandle As Integer)
' Close PIM connection
Dim intStatusCode As Integer = DACloseCA(intSMSHandle)
If intStatusCode <> CONA_OK Then
Throw New Exception("Error in DACloseCA-function: " & CONAError2String(intStatusCode) & " (" & intStatusCode.ToString & ")")
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function CreateSMSPhoneNoReference(ByVal strNumber As String) As IntPtr
Dim dataAddress As CA_DATA_ADDRESS
dataAddress = New CA_DATA_ADDRESS
dataAddress.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(dataAddress)
dataAddress.iAddressInfo = CA_MSG_ADDRESS_TYPE_NUMBER
dataAddress.pstrAddress = strNumber
' Allocate memory for buffer
Dim bufDataAddress As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(dataAddress))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(dataAddress, bufDataAddress, True)
Return bufDataAddress
End Function
Private Shared Sub CreateTimestamp(ByRef pimDate As CA_DATA_DATE)
Dim dateCurrent As Date = Date.Now
pimDate.iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(pimDate)
pimDate.wYear = System.Convert.ToUInt16(dateCurrent.Year)
pimDate.bMonth = dateCurrent.Month
pimDate.bDay = dateCurrent.Day
pimDate.bHour = dateCurrent.Hour
pimDate.bMinute = dateCurrent.Minute
pimDate.bSecond = dateCurrent.Second
End Sub
End Class
what is the strSerialNumber in SendSMS(ByVal strSerialNumber As String, ByVal strPhoneNo As String,ByVal strMessage As String, ByVal boolDontDelete As Boolean) function?
ReplyDeleteWhat should be passed in strSearialNumber? what is that number exactly?